Customized to Fulfill Your Wyshes Flawlessly
ewysh offers a curated selection of specialized tools designed to help you craft the perfect Wysh message. These tools enable you to send a truly unique and heartfelt message to your loved ones.
Ewysh is all about simplicity and reliability. When you can’t be there in person, we step in to make sure your Wysh is fulfilled. Whether it’s sending a sentimental Picture/Video card to commemorate a special occasion or ensuring the safe and timely delivery of crucial documents, we’ve got you covered. Think of us as your personal messenger, ready to bridge the gap when distance or circumstances keep you apart. We’re here for you, doing what needs to be done!
Portal Features
Security Features
Account Verification
For enhanced security, we employ 2-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your account.
Next of Kin
Designate trusted individuals to take control of your account in the unfortunate event of your passing. This ensures that your wishes and important messages are carried out as you intended.
Data Security
Your data's security is our utmost priority. We employ multiple layers of protection, including data backups, to ensure your Wyshes are always fulfilled, even in the event of system failures.
Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy is in strict compliance with legal guidelines on data processing and protection. Rest assured, your information is safe with us.
Message Release
Messages will only be released once one of the specified criteria has been met and we have verified the individual's passing.
Account Termination
Your account will be terminated in accordance with our terms and conditions once all your Wyshes have been successfully fulfilled.
Get a copy of our brochure:
ewysh for afterlife.